Wednesday 20 September 2017


For today we did the start of the carousel and we did graphics. I have not done graphics for at least 3 years so it was a new thing to get my head around. the first thing that we did was taught how to use photoshop. we then went on and did practice using this soft ware to make sure that we were comfortable with the format, to do this we did the double exposure task meaning putting one image over the other. when doing this task we were told to keep the images non destructive which is when u mulipulte an image but do not erase anything. the task went well and by the end I felt like I progressed. the lesson also contained a tutorial about the different shortcut ways to do anything on a Mac to save time and help to edit, design, animate etc anything. for example in photoshop we were showed that command A selects all and how to get an image off google and paste it into photoshop.

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